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Drew Seidman Pulls Off Derek Jeter Like Play to Win Play of The Week

He is Derek Jeter. Well, ok, that's a stretch. Drew Seidman has some serious talent at shortstop, but more so his knowledge on the game of baseball. He might not be the fastest. He might not be the strongest. And he might not have the best flow. But the kid knows where to be at all times. Drew Seidman is not only a genius in the classroom, but a genius on the diamond.

On Sunday morning, in the top of the third, with the game scoreless, and a man on first base, Drew Seidman pulled off a captain-like play.

2001. ALDS against the Oakland Athletics. "The flip."

Derek Jeter made one of the greatest plays by a shortstop that you will ever see. After the right fielder overthrew the cut off man, Jeter was in the perfect spot at the perfect time.

Flashback to Moose baseball on Sunday...

Devin Wolff, the first basemen for the 16u Moose at the time, made a spectacular catch that ordinarily wouldn't be caught. Maybe that is why the guy on first had found himself needing to retreat back to the base after hoping the ball would be dropped. As the SB Tide runner hustled back to first base, it looked like no Moose player was going to get to the bag in time.

All of a sudden, Drew Seidman came out of nowhere. He outran the SB Tide runner back to first base, caught the throw from Devin Wolff, and ended the inning on a double play. Wow!

He might not be Derek Jeter, but in that play, he looked a bit like the captain. The kid is a born leader.

Shortstop Drew Seidman holds down the entire diamond

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